Crowmoor Craft Redesign

Sinebrychoff - Crowmoor - 2023

Our task was to give the award-winning Crowmoor crafted range ciders a fresh new look and concept that would resonate with consumers and increase brand awareness. We wanted to create a visual hierarchy that clearly differentiated the various flavor variants, while ensuring that the cans stood out on store shelves. It was also crucial to pay homage to Crowmoor's British cider heritage.

To achieve this, we embarked on a comprehensive redesign project. We carefully crafted a new visual identity that captured the essence of Crowmoor's craftsmanship and British roots. The cans were designed to be easily distinguishable, with each flavor variant having its own unique and eye-catching design elements.

In addition to the visual updates, we developed a nationwide communications campaign to showcase the new facelift. This campaign aimed to generate excitement and awareness among consumers, highlighting the revamped design and the quality of Crowmoor crafted range ciders.

The result was a successful transformation of the Crowmoor brand, with a refreshed visual identity that effectively communicated the different flavor variants and stood out on store shelves. The nationwide communications campaign further amplified the impact of the new design, generating buzz and driving consumer engagement.